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[호주조기유학] 브리즈번의 아주 특별한 초등학교 WELLERS HILL STATE SCHOOL

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브리즈번의 남부 지역의 Tarrangindi(Postal code 4121)에 위치한  우수한 공립학교를 소개 해드리려고 합니다.

■ Wellers Hill State School 

먼저 아래의 신문기사를 참조해주세요.

Students at Wellers Hill State School are speaking Japanese for half their lessons from year 1

AS QUEENSLAND kids said hello to the first day back in the classroom, children at one Brisbane school were saying "Konnichiwa".
Eliza Prescott (pictured), 6, was among 75 Year 1 students at Wellers Hill State School to enter an immersion course this year where half the curriculum will be taught only in Japanese, by Japanese-speaking teachers.
Wellers Hill, which this year became an Independent Public School, is the first state primary school in Queensland to offer the program.
Principal John Webster said demand was huge with the school having to knock back about 50 to 60 applications.
He said the children would speak Japanese for half their classes through to Year 6.
"By March they should be confident and by the end of Year 6 when they leave here they should have total native fluency we hope," Mr Webster said.
Eliza's mum Sarah Prescott said her daughter was really excited about the program.
Japanese teacher Naoko Inuzuka said immersion programs were different to bilingual teaching, because everything was taught in Japanese.
"We teach in a similar way to the other English-speaking teacher, but in Japanese," Ms Inuzuka said.

"There will be a lot of listening, playing, singing and then writing will start."

이 학교의 가장 큰 강점은 어린 학생이 처음 year 1으로 입학해서 year 6에 졸업하기까지 

영어와 일본어를 함께 배우며 (동일한 과목을 일본어로 일본어 선생님께 수업을 듣습니다. ) 바이링구어로 

자연스럽게 커가도록 교육과정을 제공하는 아주 특별한 학교입니다. 

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이 학교 교육의 성과까지 매우 좋아서 정말 인기가 많다고 하네요.

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